Thursday, March 24, 2011

Master Landscape Photographer - Peter Lik

peter lik
"Tree of Hope" ©2011 Peter Lik Fine Art Photography

Landscape Photography, just as any other form, requires a talent and ability to produce great exposures. One of the people that breathes landscapes is Australian Peter Lik. Peter has been living out his passion since the age of 8, and is sometimes referred to as the best Landscape Photographer of today. Most recently he has a deal with The Weather Channel to premiere his own show "From the Edge with Peter Lik" which premieres March 31st. Peter is also known as the man that sold the "Million Dollar Photo."

You will notice a few commonalities among "great" Photographers. They host workshops, offer tips and write books. Peter has published six books since 1997, including the popular "Spirit of America," which captures his 5 year journey throughout the 50 states. He delivers breathtaking prints with deep saturation and great detail. There is a bit of controversy surrounding his work and practices, but this comes with the title. Peter now shows his work in 13 galleries across the world. Be sure to check out more of Peter's well-known panoramic exposures.

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