Monday, March 14, 2011

Free Trial with liveBooks

liveBooks Homepage Video from liveBooks on Vimeo.

Here's another great freebie, well, only a free trial. "liveBooks" is one of the industries leading suppliers of Photography Website Designs. They provide everything from out of the box templates to fully customized solutions. Many pros frown on templates, but with Photography it is a little different. Also remember you are designing your site for your potential client, not for yourself. Today's client does not want to see all the flash and bells and most don't care for the music. The one exception is Wedding Photography.

With a website you first must consider the purpose. The purpose of a Photography website is to showcase photos. Sometimes content gets lost when navigating through a site, and if your photos are too hard to find, then your viewer will be saying "get lost" as well. If you first consider purpose, everything else such as SEO and load times become easier to fall into place. liveBooks offers clean solutions, and embodies the notion of keeping it simple. Some of their previous clients include industry greats such as Vincent Laforet and Art Wolfe.

Click here to check out liveBooks and learn about their free 14-day trial.

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