Thursday, March 3, 2011

Free Canon Picture Styles

Picture styles are becoming more and more popular, especially with amateur Photographers. For those that don't have an editing software, or just do this for fun, the idea is very intriguing. Most DSLR cameras include basic profiles such as portrait and landscape. And newer bodies such as the Canon 60D came with built in creative filters, similar to Nikon, with effects such as "Soft Focus" and the popular "Toy Camera Effect."

The best part about pictures styles is they are completely free (usually)! Canon provides styles linked below, and Photographer Kevin Wang kindly offers his picture styles on his Flickr. Even if you don't use them on serious shoots, it can be fun just to see what each does. Whether you plan on editing the photos or not, the most important thing is to start with a good capture. Don't shoot with the intention of "fixing it in post." Experiment and have fun!

Canon's custom color profiles with instructions
Kevin Wang picture profiles (direct link)
Canon's software download page

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