Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Planned Shots

sports photography
Canon 1DMkIII | ©2011 Danny Munson

There are many factors that go into getting that shot. Outside of the technical matters and just being a natural to Photography, lie the things like knowing when to bounce vs. when to shoot harsh light, slowing down the shutter speed when shooting a wedding reception, and "planning the shot."

The exposure above was taken by California based Sports Photographer Danny Munson. Of course, you could just get lucky and be there at the right time, but shots like this usually have more to them. Danny has an easy advantage being that he himself participated in the race pictured above, the Anger Management Criterium.

A few things to note in this shot: position, lens, movement and exposure. As you can see, the symmetry of the shot is the dominant characteristic. Danny knew if he released the shutter at the right moment, the shot would be well balanced. Next, the wide angle used not only captured all the riders, but provided a nice aesthetic quality to the image.

Movement can be shown in two ways, camera movement or subject movement. In this case, keeping the camera locked down showed a sense of motion as the bikers rounded the turn. And then the more technical part, the exposure. So many struggle with exposure, and learning how to use light is a necessary step to becoming a better Photographer. Here, the sun is clearly the brightest part of the composition, but not at all overpowering or distracting. A great book to read on exposure, whether beginner or seasoned, is Understanding Exposure [second edition, 3rd edition available].

Danny is the owner of D Munson Photo located in San Dimas, California.

If you want to freeze the subject, pan the camera along with them as they go across your field of view. The result will be a motion filled background with a sharp, detailed subject.

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