Monday, June 6, 2011


top camera apps

Whenever I go out, I make it a point to have some type of camera with me, ready to shoot. 97% of the time, this is my iPhone. When I am driving around, I have my phone sitting in camera mode. When I see something, I just wake it up and I'm ready to shoot. This is a very simple way to capture more and get easy practice. Most of all, you will end up with thousands of pictures you may never use. If you are the type that can't hit the "delete" button, you may want to plan the more critical shot.

Using the native iPhone Camera, you can grab some great shots. However, software like Photoshop Mobile and Camera+ allow you to continue your creative vision without the use of a larger computer.

Camera+ is an award winning iPhone App developed by Lisa Bettany, aka @mostlylisa. She is part of the same team that developed the recent #1 App The Heist. The truth is, most camera apps offer the same thing: filters, zoom and focus, grids and borders. However, the way these tools are implemented may vary greatly. Camera+ stands out with it's easy to use interface, quick access controls and online viewing through an account on (similar to flickr). So all of these features are available elsewhere, but each user has their own taste, hence Canon vs. Nikon.

The tools available today almost leave the term "lack of resources" in the past. New York Photographer Joshua Brown recently published a book filled exclusively with pics taken using Camera+. Even though high technology is now available at the consumer level, which can negatively effect the professional market, we are also seeing creative restraints being lifted. This in return gives those that are passionate about their craft the ability to worry more about composition and less about a $6,000 camera body.

Be sure to check out Lisa's gallery and learn more about Camera+.

Lisa's blog
Josh's book [full preview!]

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