Thursday, January 13, 2011

Real Estate Photography - Michael Kelley

Photo: Michael Kelley

Each form of Photography is it's own artform. Even the Photojournalist's work can be seen in galleries receiving international recognition. What is most interesting, though, is each one honing their approach and finding what works for different situations. The above image was taken last year by Real Estate Photographer Michael Kelley. Notice the high dynamic range, careful choice of focus and wide angle use on certain shots [linked below]. Things get really interesting at dusk because now you can use higher ISO and slower shutter speeds to get some interesting outdoor lighting. When shooting Real Estate, you want a clean, crisp image, and Michael does a great job executing this. He regularly updates his blog with tips and breakdowns from different shoots.

*Tip: Real Estate Photography with a one lens, one strobe

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog and found it very informative and helpful to me .Thanks for such an effort
