Saturday, January 1, 2011

Quick Key Lights - iPhone 4 (Arri ALEXA and the iPhone 4)

iphone 4

Since the release of the original iPhone, Media Specialists and Gurus of all areas have flocked. With each update proving more and more capable, the potential uses grow. Apple always tends to hold back on the features, just because they can, but what they give you is truly a work of art. They make these choices for whatever reasons they have, and consumers complain...but they buy.

With the release of the iPhone 4, Apple now had the wide open attention of professionals. Not only can we shoot, edit and upload a questionably professional movie with a single device, but we also get facetime and retina display. The phone has also increased Skype's popularity, who last week added the ability to make calls over the 3G network.

Skype is only one of the many useful media related apps. Above is an image by Cinematographer Bill Bennett. Here he is using two iPhones with the Flashlight app to completely light the subject. The key light is set to 100% brightness and he dials in 50% for the hair light. The camera in use was the Arri ALEXA. Visit Bill on MobyPicture for a frame grab and other cool behind the scenes shots.

1 comment:

  1. ARRI Alexa with Leica Summilux C Lenses. We also used the Canon C300 and GoPro Cameras.arri alexas
