Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fixing Your White Balance [post]

white balance
©2011 Curtis Harper

If you are new to Photography, or new to accurate Photography, then you have probably struggled with white balance on more than enough occasions. But with the advancement of today's camera bodies, you almost have to try to get the white balance wrong. The presets on most cameras ie. indoor, sunlight, fluorescent etc. do a pretty good job at getting the it correct. Even the AWB on some cameras may be your best option if you are in a jam. Try it out to see if it's useful!

White balance becomes most challenging when mixing different light sources. Event Photographers should have the most experience in this, as they generally shoot in a mixture of incandescent and flash lighting. No matter the situation, the best way to achieve accurate white balance is by using a white balance card. WhiBal makes a great kit. Getting it right in camera will save you countless hours in post.

If you do find yourself fixing images in post, the fastest and perhaps the best place to start is in Adobe Camera Raw. View the tutorial (external site).

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