Thursday, April 21, 2011

Be a Stranger - Matthew Shalaby

matthew shalaby photography
Strangers Project - No. 38 ©Matthew Shalaby

New Jersey based Photographer Matthew Shalaby recently embarked on a Strangers Project. For an unspecified number of days, he takes to the streets and Photographs 100 complete strangers. At times, this can be challenging for a Photographer. Shooting in studios, venues or local parks just isn't the same as going out into the streets. Also, many Street Photographers usually roam around unnoticed, scoping out subjects with a 200mm range lens. This is not Matthew. He takes a moment to allow his subjects to be comfortable, capturing a bit of emotion in each exposure.

Matthew was inspired by Photographer Markus Schwarze, who is popular for his post processing.

Be sure to check out the ongoing set on Matthew's flickr.

Matthew Shalaby official website

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