Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blackberry Playbook - RIM

UPDATE: The device is officially called the Blackberry PlayBook. It has a 3 mp front facing camera and a 5 MP in rear facing camera. It runs the QNX operating system.

Speed is always an important factor in this industry, and so is productivity. Talent and business practice fit in there as well. Then there is also the "flash" factor, no pun intended. Well, the iPad seems to at least dabble in most of those categories at least a little, so it has become a popular device among some popular Photographers, one being Scott Bourne.

Many users quickly reserved their iPad well before it was released, while many more picked one up on opening day or shortly after. At the $499 price point, some decided to pass. Others decided to wait for manufacturers to release a similar product, just as they have with other popular Apple devices like the iPod and the iPhone. Well, the wait is almost over. Manufacturers such as Dell (already released), HP and Samsung are all reported to have devices on the way. The latest news to surface is that of the RIM BlackPad. RIM has not released any information on the BlackPad, but hopefully they will come up with a more creative name.

Another device that people are looking forward to is the Samsung Galaxy Tab, announced earlier this month. The Samsung features a 7-inch, 1024x600 display, Android 2.2 OS, 1GHz processor, 16GB of internal memory and support for Adobe Flash 10.1. The Galaxy Tab is set to begin shipping in October. As for the BlackPad, we are hoping for more details at the Developer's Conference on Monday.

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